Guilt is a Cancer

Guilt is a Cancer

You don’t need to keep holding onto toxic guilt.

Guilt is a cancer on your energy system. You don’t need it anymore.

This is not to say that there is no role for guilt to play. There is. Guilt is a necessary emotion in the short term and a very toxic one when you extend it out over time. This is an important distinction. It’s the difference between the natural role an emotion plays and the toxicity that results when the emotion gets frozen in our body and starts repeating on a loop.

What I mean is that we have normal emotional reactions like fear that makes us get out of the way of the bus that’s about to run us over. It is good that we have this fear. It is a survival instinct that makes us more likely to avoid an early death.

Animals Know how to Process Emotions

In the animal kingdom, we see a pattern where an animal who has survived an attempted attack will “shake it off” and then return to grazing or whatever they were doing before the attack. You can see it in nature documentaries. A lion is chasing a gazelle and the gazelle gets away. The gazelle shakes off the tension and adrenaline of the response to the attack and then goes back to their normal grazing behavior. They do not display neurotic fear for the rest of their lives. They are not traumatized, as far as we can tell.

Humans Hold Emotions In our Bodies and Minds

The problem with humans is that we tend not to shake off our traumas and go back to normal. We hold trauma in our bodies and minds. We relive the trauma repeatedly, sometimes for the rest of our lives.

This trauma extends to things like guilt, shame and embarrassment.

We need to take responsibility for our words and actions. Guilt is a cancer on the energy system, especially a guilt that keeps dumping toxic energies into our field. When we keep holding an emotion like guilt we create a kind of magnetism that attracts more of the same. It attracts people and events that stir up our guilt. That’s not the universe being punitive. It’s the universe trying to get us to “shake it off” and get on with our lives.

Guilt is a cancer that can be healed

The way I help people heal guilt, or any other toxic emotion is to first bring awareness to the physical sensation of the emotion. Grounding is essential to all healing because issues don’t only exist in the mind. They exist in the body, in the muscle memory. When you can feel an emotion physically you become aware enough to release it in the moment.

If you feel guilty in a repetitive way you need to first feel what the sensation is in your body. Allow the sensation to be there and just let it sit. If there are actions you need to take like apologizing or changing your ways, please do. That would be helpful. But this doesn’t stop us from holding this toxic energy. Actually experiencing the physical sensation of any emotion can, if done correctly, initiate a powerful healing process that will cleanse you of the toxic energy you may have been holding for years.

If you work with me on the issue I will use either Energy Healing or QHHT Past Life Regression to go deeper into the healing process.