Your Issues are ALIVE! (and want to stay that way)

Your Issues are Alive


Your issues are alive and they don’t want to die. You put in place to help you and now that you try to heal and transform them they are freaking out.

You see, your issues, or emotional reactivity, were created as a way to keep you alive. Let’s say you have a fear of rejection. Let’s say that fear is really intense when it comes up. It is holding you back from taking certain risks in your social life and career. You are so afraid of rejection that you avoid things that you know you need to pursue. We can safely say that everyone has this one to one degree or another.


Where does this fear come from?

You have a fear of rejection because, as a kid, you were smaller than almost everyone around you and you were ‘rejected’ for that. It doesn’t matter that this rejection may have saved your life when the teenagers wouldn’t let you join them in a game of tackle football when you were six years old or that dad and mom laughed at you when you said you wanted to drive when you were four. Imagine never having felt rejection, being in childish bliss and suddenly feeling utterly rejected for the first time. It is hard to do because we are so far removed from the innocence and vulnerability of that child. Suffice it to say that the first time you felt the feeling of rejection it was horrible. It felt like you were going to die. Until that moment you had never felt something so soul shattering. On some deep level you made a vow to try to never have this experience again. That vow wasn’t just mental. It packed a huge emotional punch as well.

So now you are all grown up and on a healing path. You are now going through your issues and clearing them. You do things like energy healing and past life regression, yoga and acupuncture. You’ve tried all kinds of therapy. Sometimes it is relatively easy, sometimes it just stirs up more pain and resistance than you have felt for a long time. Other times it just doesn’t seem worth it. I know. I’ve spent decades there…

Your inner child level


Here’s what you may be missing: Your issues are not really yours. They rightfully belong to the inner child that still fears what they feel the issue protects them from. The inner child is just an aspect of us frozen in time. It is a place within where we flinched and kept flinching. It is a place of deadness attempting to control the fear that is at the root of all issues.

Sometimes in a healing journey the adult (us) tries to take away the pacifier/security blanket (issue) away from the baby (inner child) and there are tears and tantrums and resistance. Then we get split. On the one side is us, intelligent adults on a healing path, and on the other side our screaming inner children desperately holding onto their source of protection. This kind of struggle can just reinforce the issue and the resistance of the inner child, leaving our adult selves in a state of confusion and an experience of complete failure and disillusionment.

Your issues are alive: The Solution


The solution is to be kind to the inner child. Talk to it and explain what you are doing. It sounds crazy and when you first do it, it may even feel crazier. But when you feel it hit home you will experience a release of tension that is unparalleled. Then you will see that the real issue is that you have rejected that inner child. Stay tuned to this channel for more on that….